Creating wall decor from your boudoir photos - why it's a total "yes"!
your boudoir photography session is done, now what do you do with boudoir pictures? Of course, you could post them online or give some to your significant other. But have you considered wall prints?
It's a great way to see your beautiful art up on the wall daily. Not just that, but these can be perfect daily affirmations of your strength and beauty, which is kind of the main purpose of boudoir photography!

Here are some ideas of where you could put these boudoir beauties up as a visual reminder of your awesomeness:
● The closet wall on your significant other's side - or your own side!
● Grouped prints above your bed.
● One large picture in your master bathroom.
● A private hallway or walking space.
● By your mirror or where you get dressed in the morning. To remind yourself how stunning you are!
● A small frame in a discreet place on your work desk. Go get 'em, Gorgeous!
Wherever you might choose to put your boudoir photos up, just take into consideration who might see them. And of course, remember that these photos are for YOU, Beautiful!
Self-esteem we come!
Get in touch to order prints, or to book your photoshoot if you haven't yet.
Sensually yours,